Bundesleague 2019-2020

2020-02-01 Suhl (GER)

Liga: 2 - Bundesleague

AC Suhl
Name and surname Birthyear B.W Snatch Cl&Jerk Total Sincler Points
1 2 3 1 2 3
Mario Koch 89 90.4 105 115 125 130 140 147 272 314.05 91.2
Yvonne Kranz 84 88 74 77 80 93 97 100 180 200.07 88
Kimberly Nitzsche 03 90.3 52 55 58 0 0 0 55 60.55 8
Thomas Geier 82 89.3 98 103 106 118 123 127 233 270.46 54.4
Constantin Ritzmann 99 94.2 0 0 0 125 130 132 130 147.52 35.8
Markus Gnauck 80 91.3 0 0 0 115 120 125 125 143.71 33.7
Leonie Neuhauser 03 55.9 35 38 40 0 0 0 40 61.34 19.5
Marc Vogel 00 85.5 117 122 127 135 142 150 277 327.97 106
Suma: 436.6
AC Weiden 1897
Name and surname Birthyear B.W Snatch Cl&Jerk Total Sincler Points
1 2 3 1 2 3
Bryan Jow 88 72 90 93 97 110 110 110 203 263.08 64
Lavinia Rat 92 56.6 45 47 48 58 60 60 107 150.24 64
Simone Schemmel 94 64.9 50 50 50 65 68 68 115 148.07 53
Mohammad Mostafa 89 80.3 93 96 96 111 115 118 211 257.63 50.4
Christian Balke 82 78.7 75 79 81 104 107 110 189 233.18 33
Alexander Narr 93 97 127 132 132 155 160 163 295 330.9 103
Suma: 367.4

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