Bundesleague 2018-2019

2019-02-02 Gräfenroda (GER)

Rzut: Gr B
Liga: 2 - Bundesleague

SV90 Gräfenroda
Name and surname Birthyear B.W Snatch Cl&Jerk Total Sincler Points
1 2 3 1 2 3
 Julia Perlt 01 55.8 57 60 60 72 75 77 135 191.41 94
Philipp Stecklum 88 85.1 105 110 110 123 128 130 238 282.42 67.8
Michael Holtmann 89 76.6 92 97 97 109 113 115 212 265.35 61
Nico Holtmann 96 75.7 0 0 0 117 122 122 117 147.39 43
Christina Buller 91 70.7 54 58 61 0 0 0 61 74.88 24
Philipp Griebel 96 95.4 130 135 140 160 165 170 310 350 119
 Andre Langkabel 00 94 125 128 130 150 155 160 290 329.37 102
Suma: 510.8
KG Görlitz-Zittau
Name and surname Birthyear B.W Snatch Cl&Jerk Total Sincler Points
1 2 3 1 2 3
Philipp Buschek 84 85.3 110 114 118 136 140 141 250 296.33 79.4
Sandra Martin 86 50.6 45 47 48 63 66 67 111 168.91 78
Danny Grunder 90 68.4 90 95 98 107 112 112 202 269.95 72
Dominik Scholz 94 63 70 74 77 91 96 100 177 249.37 65
Jörg Scholze 78 87.1 104 108 108 123 128 130 236 277.03 61.8
Josef  Kolar 97 89.8 125 130 133 157 162 167 297 343.91 117.4
Suma: 473.6

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@2011-2023 iwrp@iwrp.net