Bundesleague 2017-2018

2018-04-07 Roding (GER)

Rzut: Gr A
Liga: 1 - Bundesleague

TB 03 Roding
Name and surname Birthyear B.W Snatch Cl&Jerk Total Sincler Points
1 2 3 1 2 3
Gregor Nowara 93 93.2 143 147 149 177 185 189 338 385.24 151.6
Simon Brandhuber 91 71.7 120 125 130 140 148 155 285 370.25 146
Hans Brandhuber 96 87.1 132 132 136 163 168 173 305 358.03 130.8
Hermann Voit 87 81.4 113 118 122 145 150 155 268 324.98 105.2
Peter Kulzer 98 101.1 135 138 141 165 0 0 303 334.65 104
Tamara Voit 94 63.5 68 72 72 80 85 87 159 207.39 100
Suma: 737.6
SC Pforzheim
Name and surname Birthyear B.W Snatch Cl&Jerk Total Sincler Points
1 2 3 1 2 3
Kevin Schmidt 97 66.6 85 90 94 112 117 120 214 290.79 90
Lukas Cibulka 87 95.3 110 115 120 130 140 150 270 304.97 79.4
Simon Stiegele 98 72.2 78 82 87 96 100 100 187 241.96 46
Kamil Kucera 85 141.5 170 177 182 203 213 0 390 395.95 153
 Steffen Krämer 92 89 122 127 130 152 152 0 279 324.34 101
Minh-Tuan Dang 86 55.1 70 75 78 93 100 106 184 285.22 100
 Svenja Grau 00 65.8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Suma: 569.4

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Visits: 741
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