Bundesleague 2017-2018

2018-01-20 Mutterstadt (GER)

Rzut: Gr A
Liga: 1 - Bundesleague

AC Mutterstadt
Name and surname Birthyear B.W Snatch Cl&Jerk Total Sincler Points
1 2 3 1 2 3
Mario Taubert 89 77.3 98 102 102 125 130 135 237 295.2 83
Philipp Forster 94 108.7 145 15 153 175 182 187 340 366.46 132
Nina Schroth 91 79.2 90 93 95 105 109 112 207 240.37 122
Michael Varlamov 97 92.6 123 127 130 160 165 170 295 337.14 109.8
Armin Uhl 91 85.6 117 124 128 150 156 156 274 324.24 102.8
Tabea Tabel 96 75 70 75 80 90 95 100 180 214.43 100
Gainza Victor Yoel Guerra 97 89.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Suma: 649.6
SC Pforzheim
Name and surname Birthyear B.W Snatch Cl&Jerk Total Sincler Points
1 2 3 1 2 3
Minh-Tuan Dang 86 54.8 68 72 75 85 91 96 171 266.17 91
Kevin Schmidt 97 65.3 82 87 90 107 112 115 205 282.09 84
 Steffen Krämer 92 89.8 105 105 115 130 140 146 261 302.22 81.4
Simon Stiegele 98 73 78 82 86 95 100 103 186 239.14 45
Dennis Sadownik 79 77.9 85 90 95 95 103 103 193 239.4 39
Kamil Kucera 85 143.4 150 160 165 195 200 205 365 369.9 126
Suma: 466.4

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