Bundesleague 2016-2017

2017-03-25 Chemnitz (GER)

Rzut: B
Liga: 1 - Bundesleague

AV Speyer 03
Name and surname Birthyear B.W Snatch Cl&Jerk Total Sincler Points
1 2 3 1 2 3
Max Platzer 92 69.2 0 0 0 135 140 140 135 179.13 68.5
Bjorn Gunther 96 100.1 142 147 151 0 0 0 151 167.38 52.5
Tom Schwarzbach 86 87.1 148 153 155 190 195 195 343 402.64 168
Jurgen Spiess 84 95.8 155 160 165 193 200 205 358 403.52 167
Almir Velagic 81 140.7 175 180 185 200 210 0 390 396.27 154
Alexej Prochorow 90 128 170 175 180 197 204 204 372 384.3 149
Anna Van Bellinghen 94 85.5 100 100 105 120 120 127 227 255.16 137
Suma: 896
Chemnitzer AC
Name and surname Birthyear B.W Snatch Cl&Jerk Total Sincler Points
1 2 3 1 2 3
Max Lang 92 78.5 150 150 153 175 180 185 338 417.57 182
Philip Kudzik 93 92.6 142 147 151 175 180 185 331 378.28 145.8
Kurt Perthel 97 91.8 140 145 145 175 180 180 320 367.04 136.4
Joseff Hesse 94 86.8 133 138 142 160 167 171 309 363.3 135.4
Robby Behm 86 106.8 142 147 150 175 181 187 337 365.28 130
Hendrik Wetzel 82 82.9 128 133 133 150 155 160 283 340.07 117.2
Suma: 846.8

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